Sunday, 16 December 2012

Embrace the day

Embrace the day ahead of you with joy and excitement not apprehension and fear. You will find that you will only get out the day what you put in. The more positive actions you accomplish during the day, the more positivity you will receive in return.

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Look in the mirror

A huge positive step is to take onboard your own advice for which gets handed out to others. It can be hard to look at oneself in this way, but you are the best in giving out advice when asked your opinion but sometimes you just don't look in the mirror, by doing this you can see the usefulness of your own advice which could be used within your own lives.

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Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Complain it helps

Feel like you have been let down by companies but feel a bit shy in complaining?  Don’t, complaining to shoddy companies helps them to get there business in order. It's proactive not at all negative it's such a positive action.
Companies do actually welcome complaints just to keep on top on what is going wrong within their business. 

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Tuesday, 11 December 2012

You can't please everyone

You just can't please everyone, you can try, try and try again to please everyone but you just won't. Don't set your aspirations so high that you set yourself up for a full and become disappointed. Don't take it as a negative action towards you by not pleasing everyone; just see to it that you've just done your best to accommodate their needs. In their eyes your best just isn't good enough, don't get drown into their negativity bubble.

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Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Everyone needs some down time

To truly switch off, you really need to find time to switch off from day to day life includes TV and computers. Once you are away from these objects you will find that you will be able to disconnect easier try doing some meditation or just chill by emptying the mind and just try listening to the world around you it's hard to do but once you master it you will be able to hear noises and sounds you would completely over look that is there in your life like your breathing, sounds of birds or nature in general or you could try just listening to some soothing music in a darkened room this will help you relax unwind and let go of any anxieties .

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Progression - see how far you have come

From time to time take a minute to readers how far you have come. Look back over the previous month, see what you have accomplished and overcome.
Then do the same with the previous year, you may be astounded at the positive things you have accomplished and overcome some quite difficult negative situations in your life.

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Saying sorry

Saying sorry truly sorry can be a hard action to do, It can be a hard task to swallow that pride; it takes great strength and positivity to have the courage to say sorry. Presents and flowers are just empty jesters, saying sorry is from the heart. It's not easy to admit when you have been wrong, if they cannot except the apology and just want to carry on fighting walk away, what you had said to them it's been thought through. Let them just calm down defuse the situation by leaving them to dwell on that apology, can take time to calm down and process the apology so don't be surprised if it takes time for it to sink in.

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Stop playing the victim

Do you ever feel that you are the course of your own problems? To proud to except help does it make you look weak or undeserving?

 Well it's time to take a stand, put your hands up and just say I really need help. If it's a problem with yourself start by searching for help, if there is nothing you can do about it find options to help make it easier for you to live. Get looking for a solution is positive and proactive, it's better than being on that negative spiral.
 Be proactive do something about it the more you play the victim the worse things get in your own eyes. 
The thing is you get so wrapped up in your own problem you don't realise that you are starting to drag close loved ones down with you. Confide in your loved ones about your problems; you might be surprised at solutions or advise they can give you.

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Thursday, 1 November 2012

Snap judgments

Everything in life has its own natural coarse if you try to force matters this can be seen in quite a negative light. Sit back give it chance to run its own natural course.
Sometimes we will find that things do need a shove in the right direction but only after a waiting period just see how thing play out in front of you the more time you give something the more you will learn before you make snap judgments which are quite negative.

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Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Repeated jokes chipping away at your positivity

What wasn't that funny the first time wouldn't be funny the 10th time. Why do some people do that just focus on one thing and just keep chipping away at you with the same joke over and over.
Sometimes they just don't realise what they are doing, be positive make that stand, tell them enough is enough. If they have nothing to say then just repeating that same old line over and over then it's time that either they get some new material or just keep that negativity to themselves.
 If they are true friends or family then they should respect your wish and understand where you are coming from. If they don't, then it's time to stand back from them to protect your positivity andjust let that joke just fizzle out all by itself  by taking yourself out of the equation you are not feeding that situation with your positivity being chipped away.

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Monday, 29 October 2012

Nice- just doesn't cut it

When you are trying to be and staying positive it becomes hard when someone slaps a "that's nice" or an " uh hue " after you have been talking to them, it's not positive feed back it ends up feeling like they just can't be bothered to even come up with a full sentence for you to work with, it's has to be one of my major pet hates that people do.All you need to do is just pick them up on it ask them "is that it?" By saying that, you will shock them into giving you a more positive fuller answer.

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Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Nothing chanced, nothing gained

Does exactly what it says on the tin, if you don't chance things you will never reap the rewards. Why live with the negative thoughts of "I'm not sure". With just chancing this action you already are opening up to positivity and the effect that positivity could have on you and your life.
Why live as a wallflower go out a grab a piece of life that's yours for that taking only if you just take that chance,you only live once.
There is always so much more to gain then doing nothing. If you find that it's not for you once you had taken the chance you have learnt from it, you never know it might even lead you in a completely different direction to the path you are on its all about being open to taking this chance you never know what is around that corner.

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Monday, 22 October 2012


Consideration is a very positive action; it's a two way action. But when one or the other doesn't feel considered then it can all go out of sync. In all your actions that you do always consider how it will affect others around you. What benefits you can seem selfish and unjust in others eyes.
To know that they are truly your friend and are behind you and not judging you then they will bring this up and they will chat to you about it. Doesn't mean that you should forget what you wanted to do just means you might have to explain some more to others who quite didn't understand you’re thinking. It also works vice verse.
Consideration shouldn't be taken for granted it's one of the things that can keep an even balance in your life.

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Knowing when to step back and let others breathe

What we see is what we get with our friends and family members, we tend to see things that just are not there but our inner voice can tend to run away with itself from time to time unfortunately we can tend to listening to that voice then to have the courage just to ask that person outright that you feel uneasy with them. We need to stop listening to that inner voice that puts these doubts into our minds and we just need to deal with it ourselves. Start  with a positive action of  just biting that bullet and ask that person outright if there is a problem and even say what you are feeling, sometime they just don't even realise that they are manifesting these negative feeling  toward you.
More than likely they just might have a lot to deal with themselves but are completely happy with your connection but feel that their main priority has shifted as needed on something else, it doesn't mean you are out of favour but they feel that you are strong enough to be able to deal with your life at this time so they can just concentrate on their own life. I'm sure if they do need help they will be strong enough to ask.

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Friday, 19 October 2012


When you start to find it hard in life to find any inspiration then it's time to shake things up. Inspiration is a key action of positivity it pushes you and encourages you to break down those self imposed barriers and find strength hidden strengths inside you.
But have you even realisied that you are an inspiration to someone, someone who looks up to you, they are proud of who you are and what you have accomplished in life.
Embrace that affirmation of inspiration, go with it and pass that inspiration on.

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To do lists

Can't remember things, so much going on things get forgotten? No, it's not just you; sometimes our lives can be so hectic that we cram so much into our minds that we cannot retain everything, which can become a negative action.
What I have found make lists or notes have a note pad at hand all the time carry one with you never know when you need to add something into it or even refer to it.
Most smart phone these days come with diary and note pad in them, try using these or try using them more, this will intern become a very positive action for you as you will no longer be kicking yourself because you missed or forgotten something.

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Breaking out of those same four walls

Make time, not enough time in your day constantly chasing yourself round and around can be so so negative. Stop, make some time in your diary to recharge and do something completely different just getting out of those four walls can change your mood considerably.
It doesn't matter what you do just as long as it isn't something you would do normally, that is such a positive thing to do challenge yourself gets you out of your comfort zone and after that gives you so much more to chat about with others (all positive steps).

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Monday, 15 October 2012

At least try

When you get asked to try a different challenge, don't just dismiss this without even trying it out. Personally I would rather try it out then live with the regret that you didn't. You will instead learn from this try, weather it worked for you or didn't but at least you did try, you can then at least say hand on heart that it didn't work for you and you can then  positively move on.

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See the sights go explore

Find yourself just sat in the same four walls or your weekend highlights is shopping? Then a change is needed to stop you getting festering in negativity. Why not try going out for a walk, go see some friends or visit local historical sites. By just the change of scene can have a positive effect in you. You will not only find the benefits of getting out in to the fresh air you will be soaking up the different sites and environments will boost your mood.
Take in some sites stretch your mind with the beauty and the history of the world around you. This will then give you more things to talk about to others and you will come across as a more positive person as they will see the excitement in your voice when talking to them about what you had done during your past times and will rub off on them and give them thought as to what they could do.

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Sunday, 7 October 2012

Getting out of that comfort zone

We do like to sit back and not challenge ourselves especially the older you get, "oh I'm too old to do that" we'll time you got yourself out of that comfort zone and push those boundaries which I keep bashing on about.
Find something that takes you out of that comfort zone it could be anything, go rock climbing, write a book, learn to swim or ride a bike. The world is your oyster you are never to.... Just do it!

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Saturday, 6 October 2012

Nip negativity towards you in the bud

Say thank you even when you get stuck in a negative situation by saying thank you take all that negativity that's being projected at you and stopped it dead from reaching you or affecting you.
So many people will just be draw so easily into that negativity just stop nip it in the bud.

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Happy birthday- celebrate it!

Why do so many people not celebrate their birthdays that to me are such a negative reaction to something that is so positive?
It's quite easy to see it as a positive, you done it; you have made it through yet another year look back and embrace all your accomplishments for that year and what you have accomplished in your blessed life. It's time to celebrate, not "oh one year never to death".
Embrace your birthday it's such a special marker you have just got to party.

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Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Me time - get off the treadmill of life

This is one of the hardest parts to the Power of Positivity, to have faith in oneself is hard, it's hard to keep that balance of confidence before you hit ego. So many times I have found myself that just to gain the confidence in oneself can come off as an ego trip. This is not true; it's just building that confidence and expressing it by sharing with others. There is no ego in doing that; it's just showing others that you have grown.
When you do hit this point though you can see how far you have come with the positivity, it starts to flow through different parts of your life; it's now time to enjoy it you have earned it.

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Passion - where has it gone?

Have you found that the passion has gone from some things that you do in life? Without realising this you have shifted focus away from that area where that passion was originally focused and now shifting your focus and your passion into other things.
 Life changes nothing stays the same, life goes on. If life did stay the same then it would be boring and quite negative. You just have to refresh that area that you have lost your passion in, look at why the passion has shifted and what new things can be added or explored to ignite that passion again. Sometimes it just goes and no matter what you do it just doesn't return, if this is the case then its run its course you have now learnt and grown out of it, time to move and grow by finding that passion in something else.

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Engage brain before opening mouth

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has just blurted out something that I thought truly relevant only to see the horror on their faces at what I have just said to them. That's the trouble what you think that something to you is very funny  only to find that it was that persons most uncomfortable situation just thrown up in their face. "Ground opens up and swallows me up, moment.
You might find it hard to have that happy medium between not saying anything which others will think you are quite or even being off. Just put yourself in their shoes before you even enter that conversion if you don't know them keep away from saying anything that could offend.
Stick by these rules until you do know them so you know your parameters of tack that they use. I'm not saying don't be you, once you know someone you can be you.

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Friday, 28 September 2012

Pressure - The bottle cap has to come off sometimes

Feel that pressure is getting to you? Being positive as much as you can, cannot stop a build up of pressure inside you no matter what you do. You will find the more you practice Power of Positivity then these build ups will start to dwindle. Its best for you to release this pressure on your terms so when you start to see signs, short temper, things getting on top of you or feel the world is closing in on you. Release this build up yourself without taking it out on others in a negative way, just take yourself out of any situation that's causing this build up and go find a quite place and let it out, scream as load as possible. It’s surprising how good you will feel after you have done that. Pressure that had built up would have diminished and you can go back to that situation with more positive power to see yourself through.

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Thursday, 27 September 2012

Family - They are not here forever

As life goes on I have found that the older I get the more I appreciated my parents for what they have done for me, the sacrifices they made the long hours and double shifts they had to put in to help make me who I am today. In my youth I took them for granted for years in a very negative way. Now I see that I need to spend time connecting with them.
 Sometimes it can feel that they are sucking the life force from you, but we must put this aside and start to appreciate them now, embrace them in a more positive light, they will not be around forever.
I know, not everyone gets on with their parents or siblings but don't go down that negative path of regret when it come to be too late.

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Preparation- covers all those bases

It’s a must with everything you do in life be particular with your preparation. Any little job or task you undertake make sure you have done the research the pros and the cons to come to the positive conclusion that this sits will with you and will benefit you in every way mind, body and soul.
If things take time then hay ho it's meant to. Things in life have a funny way of working themselves out with or without your help. You just have to sit tight, make sure you have covered all the bases and left no stone unturned. If things look like they are showing signs of being a wrong choice then as before in a previous blog go with the gut.

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Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Positivity takes Time

Being positive doesn't come too naturally to quite a lot of people at many points in their lives, don't get disheartened if you still go through the steps of the Power of Positivity, if everything was easy then everyone would be more positive and I would be out of a job.
It's OK if things go wrong just see them for what they are learning curves, you will not repeat these negative patterns, you have just got to learn how its best to cope in these situations and how it is best to get through it.  By using some of the tools that I have given you throughout this continuing blog. Do your best to stay positive  that's the key.

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Many years ago I really struggled with my school work, no one noticed that I need glasses to see the blackboard, my school work suffered so. Wasn't till I left school and wanted to start to drive when I had no choice but to get my eyes tested.  Once I was tested they found I was short sighted, I thought to myself if only I had only gotten myself tested earlier my school work wouldn't of suffered so badly. All because I thought I would get bullied for wearing glasses. Just so many negatives there before I had my eyes tested.
It was a huge positive was when I finally got tested and put my glasses on for the first time it was like a fog had lifted. It was amazing, what I'm saying doesn't neglect any of your senses these are so important in your everyday life. You mood lifts, you will start to notice things that would just pass you by.

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Faith in oneself without the ego

This is one of the hardest parts to the Power of Positivity, to have faith in oneself is hard, it's hard to keep that balance of confidence before you hit ego. So many times I have found myself that just to gain the confidence in oneself can come off as an ego trip. This is not true; it's just building that confidence and expressing it by sharing with others. There is no ego in doing that; it's just showing others that you have grown.
When you do hit this point though you can see how far you have come with the positivity, it starts to flow through different parts of your life; it's now time to enjoy it you have earned it.

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Monday, 17 September 2012

An emotional crutch

Many times in life you will find yourself as an emotional crutch for someone to lean on. It could be your partner, family member, friend or even a work collage. It's great to be able to do this for someone, everyone at some point will need emotional help in their lives, just make sure that that become blurred and they see your help as a crutch for them just to carry on doing what they are doing and not breaking that cycle of their own negativity.
People do need to learn to be able to stand on their own two feet and not to live their lives through others. To stop others doing this you will have to step back give yourself a breathing space. Just by having this breathing space it will give space for them to grow and for you to strengthen your positivity again. Unfortunately in this situation they will just keep taking any positivity you give them and just give you back negativity.

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Pulling the plaster off as quick as possible

By pulling the plaster of as quick as possible it will be less painful then by trying to pull it off slowly just stretching out that pain for longer, so can be said in life. Many a time, you can find yourself in situations where you don’t or couldn’t speak up and others just carry on doing what they want, without realising that it is slowly killing you inside. By just telling those to stop then you might cause some negativity on their side but it will stop any negativity building and festering on your side.
I know it's hard to do to, because pain in that way to someone else but for your own and for other loved ones around you do need to do this. If this isn't done then not only will that negativity build up inside you but you will find that it will spill out into other relationships with in your life and start to poison them.

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Thursday, 13 September 2012

Making yourself heard

Trying to be as positive as possible can have it knocks now and again and you get to see patterns that you didn't see before. I find that I now know when people are being rude by talking over me, changing the subject in mid conversion, they don't listen to what been said when you just "yes" or "no" "that's nice". If you are in a conversation make sure you get your points across as well as listen to what they have to say. It's not hard to do, but even harder is pulling people up when they do it to you. Try it; it defiantly makes sure they pay attention the next time.
It's time that you got heard, no point in bottling this up just eats away at you.You don't have to be rude back just say " you are not listening to me, can you repeat what I just asked you?" see them squirm. Such a positive thing to do because you are trying to make sure they hear what you have to say as it could be something important and could be relevant to their life.

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Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Never say never

New experiences can be very daunting and just seem just near impossible to do. It might not be the right time for you to do it but you will know when. Take time weigh up how it could enhance your life. It could be just an adrenalin rush it, could be liberating it or it could even change the way you look at thing just by trying.
Once you do say never you will be closing yourself off from experiences that could enhance your life. You just don't know till you try, never say never.

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Monday, 10 September 2012

Opinions do change

Your own opinion can be a very positive, it does count. Your opinion is something that you have worked on an annualized yourself. These are very important to you and how you live your life. But they do have a down side which you must be mindful of. Have your say get your opinion across to others, don't go ramming it down there throat. It's up to them if they want to walk away. Learn from this, your opinion might be slightly wrong it might be time to re-evaluate it.
Listen to other opinions, this is a great way to know if what you think is right or if you need to look into this more. Just remember opinions do change they are not set in stone. Be flexible with those opinions, someone might just have information that you have completely missed and could completely change your opinion.

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Thursday, 6 September 2012

Colour/ Color my life

For many years now I have noticed that we have become conditioned into having bland lifeless colours in the home Magnolia/ creams and cars silver/ grey. This really hit me the other day whilst in London I was sat at traffic lights and all I could see was bland, bland and blander. How many shades of Silver can there be?
It's time to start to re embrace colour back into our lives colour has an amazing positive effect on us. It lifts our moods and we become more expressive in our lives.
When you are out and about have a look around see how colour has been watered down, Infuse some colour back into your home into your life self expression is a huge positive action not only do you feel great for doing this but also you will be soaking up all that colour to lift your moods.
It's the same when it comes to food; all the colourful fruit and vegetables have more vitamins and nutrients in them then most bland coloured foods. Colour has such an important part to play in our lives it's time to start embracing colour again into our lives, feel the difference it makes.

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Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Control, order and trust

When I was a kid I had trouble sharing my toys with any other child, little did I realize that this is just the start of becoming a bit of a control freak. As I got older it becomes worse even at work with my tools it was the same thing. It's all about control, order and trust, I didn't want anything damaged or lost so the only way I could cope with this was to not share my stuff. Unfortunately people can take that as a negative towards them, when really all you want to do is preserve the world you are in.
if you feel it's time to take off some of those restrains of control, order and trust,  when you start to do this it's can be very scary to loosen those restraints but in the long run it’s a positive way forward as this will then start to filter down through your life.

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100% Pride

What gives you pride in your life?
So many times we have done something and just completely forgot to sit back and take pride in what you have accomplished. Pride of your own work is a huge positive affirmation. When you can have 100% pride in what you have done there will be no little voice inside going “you should of do this you should have done that “If this voice does creep in just say to your inner self " no I'm 100% happy with what I have done".
It's a big deal to finally except that you take pride in what you do without ripping it to pieces. We can become very self destructive by not doing this and is a very negative way of thinking.

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Karma- works for me

Karma I'm a firm believer in it, everything you do you will receive back at some point. I live my life by this it's a very positive way to look at things. Just think that guy that just cut you up as you was driving, I use to get so  hacked off if this happened to me now I just go "hey karma will sort him out" and it's done with life is stressful enough let karma do what it does best.
Also the same in reverse I was in a shop the other day I had a 20% off voucher but couldn't find anything that I wanted to buy so I saw this man with his kid explaining to the kid since was his birthday he could pick a toy to have but not too expensive. I walked up to this man and said “would you like my voucher as I wasn't going to use it. He was so pleased and surprised "are you sure?" “Yes I can't find anything and didn't want it to go to waste “I said. This put a big smile on his face.
As we drove out the car park I saw him come out the shop with his kid and his toy they all looked so happy, just made me feel all warm inside. That was rewarding enough for me.

If you would like to know more on what I do, please feel free to visit my website Bike Trailer No Limit Doggy Liner 1 - Jogging Kit for Doggy Liner 1 (Google Affiliate Ad)

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Letting go

Boy this is a hard one. 
Sometimes we just have to do this for our own sanity and health. Some situations can turn toxic and infect our lives it can not only mess with our minds but also with our own health and well being. We all will come to a point when we realize we do have to let go of these situations and move on. By doing this you will go through so many different emotions that we don't deal with on a daily basis. 
But as long as you feel that this has to be done then it is a must. It’s a way for you to move forward and free up any energy that is wasted on that situation and you can then use that newly released energy in a more productive way by letting yourself blossom and grow.

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Lessons learnt

If you feel that some days just get to you and you don't feel stronger enough to take on the next day. Just take that day as it was, it was a hard lesson you have now learnt. The following day you will not repeat this again you will deal with the following day with this under your belt. You will have changed you have grow you now know where things went wrong and you know not to repeat it, lessons have be learnt mishaps will not be repeated.
Life lesson are very important in our learning process for they make us stronger, we can see where things went wrong and see how we coped in difficult circumstances. These push self imposed bounders sometimes we are not ready for them but somehow we get through those days and come out the other side a whole lot stronger and wiser.

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Go with your gut

Being human and having free will we tend not to go with the gut, we love to flirt with going with the heart, or be head strong and go with mind. Try listening to the gut as this will serve you well, your sixth sense will tell you if this is right for you and would benefit your onward journey. 
Your gut instinct is your sixth sense, it kicks in to make sure that you are on the right path and stay on it without deviating. Choices are always put in front of us day in day out, we could find ourselves driving along a road and you come across a crossroad do you go left do you go right or maybe we should keep going straight on, each path would lead us to a new direction and challenges, it might not be where we thought we wanted to be but you are there to learn from this and it will make you a stronger person.
Gut instinct is your bodies’ way in reminding you which path you should be on. Many a time in your life you will be given a choice but you will find yourself unsure what to do, your mind says one thing, your heart another. Try stepping back and see where your gut (sixth sense) takes you. 

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Friday, 24 August 2012

The child within us

A very positive thing to embrace is the child within us all, we get so caught up in the adult would that we forget what freedom "play time" gave us. Just think back to the days when you were younger you would use your imagination more.  The power of imagination is huge, it’s when you are able to form and manifest wonderful past times that stretched our own minds. It gives the mind a very good work out and gets you out of any comfort zone you have placed yourself.
This can release so much pressure that has built u within us all, the power to manifest and play and joke and laugh enriches our souls and release lovely happy natural chemicals within us which relaxes you.

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Thursday, 23 August 2012

Why do we like drama in our lives?

Drama is all around us we can try to avoid it but unfortunately you will always get sucked into some kind on drama at any given moment without even realising it.
Drama can be used in a positive way as it keeps us on our toes; we tend to learn so much from drama in other peoples lives. You can take this on board and learn not to repeat that situation in your own life. But try not to get caught up in the negative aspect of drama by feeding the drama that has no relation to you.

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Keep a distance from negativity

It's so hard sometime to see how other people are affecting our own well being. They can really draw on your positivity and try to drag you in the world of negativity, be weary of these people as it can be so easy to fall into this circle of negativity. They will start to drain you of all the hard earned positivity and they will bath in this and just give you back negativity.
Unfortunately not everyone is in the right place to see the positivity in the world and just want others to be sucked into their negative ways of thinking so don't full into this trap. Don't go feeding them, they are best to be kept at a distance while they are like that, make sure you set up some mental boundaries to protect your positivity and don't be drawn into conversions of a negative spiral. They will find it harder to inflict this negativity onto you and you will find that you will become stronger in seeing the others who are doing this to you.

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Taking stock- counting your blessing

Have you ever just sat back and taken stock of life and counted your blessing?
Try to do this every now and again in the hectic world we live in we are so wrapped up in other people’s lives we forget what we have accomplished in our lives we long to aspire to be better people but forget we already are, but, we just got a bit lost along life's journey.
From time to time, just sit back see how far you have come, see what changes have happened in your life which has enriched your well being. You will be so surprised to see how far you have come and how you have changed up to this point, you will also be able to see where you have grown or where you can improve your positivity. This is an excellent tool to use to see where you are and where you would like to be.

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Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Surprise yourself - It's so rewarding

When it comes to trying other new experiences or challenges embrace them it will not hurt you to do this. Don't keep putting them off, live in the now, you never know if this chance will ever visit you again in this lifetime you may never be in the position to commit to this, find the time, find space for yourself, for your personal growth it's so important to do this mentally and physically. The more you find pushing yourself the more you will be a more positive, happier and more of a balanced person.
You never know until you have tried these new experiences sand challenges, so go out experience it, live it, you might just love it.

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Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Live your life with no regrets

Just ask yourself what’s the rush?
 Hold on a second, it's your time and your life you live it in the most positive way possible, try by take your time, think things through and you should find yourself on the right path. Rush it and you might end up regretting it. Why live in that negativity of regrets, see these experiences as what they really are as they just didn't work out but the positive spin is you  have learnt from that in a positive way and have become  stronger mentally as you will not repeat that action again without remembering where you went wrong before its life, so live it!

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Thursday, 16 August 2012

Are you an Ostrich?

When it comes to being positive, you will soon learn that you can no longer bury your head in the sand. Doing this just puts off what will be, will be. It's best to just face facts and deal with situations as they rise. No point putting it off to do another day when you know that you could deal with that situation there and then.
Many people will find this a bit daunting but once you get in the swing of dealing with the now, it becomes so much easier and you will then realize that you will not be carrying around so much baggage.
Friends and family will then see a positive change in the way you are dealing with situations that you trended to shy away from. This will show them what a stronger person you will have become.

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Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Mix it up - feel the positive benefits

Feel stuck in a rut and bored of the same old routine? Why not mix that routine up a bit. This will make you day a bit more of a challenge and will get you thinking instead of running around on auto pilot. Try adding something different into the day instead of sitting at home in an evening go out meet friends do something spontaneous, this adds to the excitement of the day gives you more things to talk about getting you interacting  not only psychically but mentally also.

This is a very easy positive change for you to do. Mixing it up is so easy to do and you can feel the benefit almost instantly. People will see a difference in you as you experiences grow. But don't full into the trap that the mix up becomes the new routine, keep it fresh and you will benefit from this exercise.

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Saturday, 11 August 2012

Sleep- are you getting enough?

Sleep is important to us it's a time when the body recovers and repairs itself and relaxes the mind gives it a chance to process and file that days downloads.
When you don't get your full night’s sleep you struggle the next day. Try to get in at least 7 hours a night, ideal 8 hrs minimum but then you can over sleep and your body struggles to get out of that state.
You will find if you do manage to get a more routine sleep pattern you will feel much more refreshed but also more focused the following day.

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Friday, 10 August 2012

Share the love

To enforce that positivity you are feeling try sharing the love. Why not give a loving hug tell people how much they mean to you finding this strength to do this shows how much you have grown. When you have been in a circle of negativity you will find that you are very self-centred and don't really consider yours or other people’s feelings, show them how much you have changed and how the positivity is affecting you, you will be surprised with their responses.
Spread that positivity to friends and family, bath in the positivity that you will receive back from them, I'm sure that you will get very positive feedback to you change. Just remember to keep enforcing this as it is a constant affirmation to that change within you and how people see that change blossom and radiate outwards.

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Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Rushing into things

The world around you going so fast, seems like you will never catch up. That's why so many mistakes accrue in the world people rush into things without thinking things through they just end up in the negative cycle of regrets were ifs and buts become their friend.
There is nothing wrong in taking your time making sure that your choices sit well with you. Talk things through with others they might've been in the same boat as you without you knowing and they can give you great insight to help you make that choice.

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Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Why are people afraid of change?

After a meeting tonight with my Power of Positivity group Change came up in discussion. So many people are afraid of change; afraid of the unknown is a scary thing.
Change can be a very powerful positive thing to happen to you. Change is a normally in the form of something that is out of your hands, you will find that situations that stay the same people will get lazy they get bored they just function on auto pilot. Change shakes things up it gets you thinking again makes you have to feel different emotions that have been lost or forgotten about.
Don't be afraid of change, change is there to keep you on your toes, welcome it for what it is.

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Monday, 6 August 2012

Credit, where credit is due

People tell you to sit on your hands to restricted you and keep you in check. People who do this to you are e afraid of losing power over you and they will get exposed for what they are, leaches. They like to keep you restricted  and take the for the good work you have slogged over.
It's time to take a stand take those shacks off, free those hands and be you, now is the time for you to shine and take the thanks for your hard work why should someone else take it when all they have done is take credit for it. Always make sure people know your envelopment within set tasks to make sure you get credit where credit is due.
It takes a lot of confidence to do this, but once done they will never do it again to you.

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Friday, 3 August 2012

Recognition - Pat on the back

Feel like you don't get the recognition that you deserve?
Have you ever just sat back and looked at what you have accomplished yourself. Most of the time we get wrapped up in this negative thought but have you realised that you yourself have not taken the time to pat yourself on your back for all the hard work you have done. To many times we see as we reserve this from others to do but don’t take the time to look how far we have come.
Also we find ourselves so wrapped up in our own worlds not to do this to others. It doesn't take two seconds to give someone that boost they deserve. It could be that they could really do with this and you have just given the extra positivity that they required to carry on.

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Thursday, 2 August 2012

Frustration- a downward spiral into negativity.

There is no point at being frustrated at being frustrated it occurs to us all its just you mind just trying to cope with something new.
When the feelings of frustration start to over shadow you take that step back and ask yourself why you are feeling that way. Could it be that you just can’t see the answer yourself then take that break and ask others for help?  You can find that sometimes just stepping away doing something else and then going back to that frustrating task and it can all fall into place.
Don't let frustration get the better of your positivity, don't give up work through it and learn from it that that things are possible you just have to work out how to approach the task in hand. Frustration is a downward spiral into negativity.

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Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Stretching that boundary

Why do we manifest these self restricted boundaries which we live our lives. We see ourselves as individual’s buts it rare that we adventure outside these boundaries that makes us stand out from the crowd. Do we see it as living in that safe bubble is good well if you want a safe restricted life it might be, but what about adventure testing ourselves stretching that boundary to see what you can accomplished and par tack in which enriches our lives.

It's time to stick that head out above those boundaries and stretch your mind, its fresh and exciting to do so, not only will people see a difference in you, you will start to see that you are more for-filled it could be just going on a course, going to night school or even start writing that book that you have been putting off.

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Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Takes two to argue

When you find yourself being draw into an argument kill it with kindness. This just confuses the one who is being confrontational and defuses the situation. Why get dragged into the argument, agree to take what they have to say on board and move on. It takes two to argue if you take yourself out of that equitation the argument runs out of steam.
Why let someone take all your power by letting them goad you into an argument. Take a step back look at what they are really saying as it’s just normally a small thing which they then pile on all the other cr@p that has built up. Deal with that one thing that started it all. Then move on no point dwelling and feeding the fires.

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Monday, 30 July 2012

Captain of your own ship

Who is Captain of your ship? 
Well it all comes down to you and you alone. Decisions get made for you in some cases but it's still up to you weather to go with that discussion or not.
Being in control of your life is a key moment in positivity. Everything is up to you decide what you want it's very empowering to have this feeling and may people don't have this feeling as they just let others decide.
Don't pass the buck, take control have you say it's your life, live it don't be a spectator, participate.
It's taking that stand, confirm to yourself "I am in control of what happens to me" "I am the captain of my own ship" taking ownership of your actions and dealing with them lets you grow with confidence.

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Saturday, 28 July 2012

Pass the torch

I've talked about this before and really get summed up after watching the Olympic cauldron being lit by the new generation.
Empower someone else, pass on a recipe your knowledge on how to fix something or even mend something.
Without realising this you have empowered them with new knowledge that they didn't have up until that point and because of that you have now changed their life forever.
This week I've passed on a recipe to three people they can now pass this on a ripple of empowerment has started.
This just seems to of gotten lost over the last few years. Go on make that change to someone else life enlighten their life with this new found knowledge one day they can pass that torch on. 

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Friday, 27 July 2012

Topping up your personal batteries

Do you feel that you have been run ragged and your personal batteries have been depleted?
If yes you need to break this negative habit and find away within your day to top them up. You need to find time to make for yourself it's not being selfish it’s a choice of down time and refocus. You will find that ideals flow and you will reconnect with your own work and find inspiration again.
Try while at lunch; go out that office sit in a park or area with lots of natural light and air. The larger the space the more freedom you will feel. Just sit relax and take in the surrounds concentrate on your breathing, nice deep breath in and out. You will find that after just 10 minutes the stresses of the day will have melted away and a new peace has replaced that manic feeling, setting you up nicely to face the rest of the day. 

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Thursday, 26 July 2012

Music a great healer

If you are feeling a bit run down, a bit sad or even day to day living getting you down then tries this method I use to change those feeling into happiness.
Dig out a happy tune that gets you swaying, tapping along to maybe jumping around the room (don’t count it out you might yet). You will find that those negative thoughts will have vanished and you have been magically transported into a happier state of mind.
It's amazing how it works but it does, I  have found that I can do a lot of journeying this way, brings many lost thoughts back to me and gives me clear thought when in need of clarity.
You could even sing along to the song, depending how brave you are.
Try and find a space to do this weather it be at home in the car or out in the park, go with it feel the happiness return to you, embrace that feeling.

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Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Be creative bring your power back

A great tip at bringing your power back to yourself is going back to the time when you was creative and enjoyed doing creative tasks.
By revisiting lost creativity within yourselves brings back a more expressive and confident person which had got lost as we had forgotten these creative out lets.
It could be drawing, singing, dancing; needle work the sky’s the limit. You could even try something completely new that you had thought you couldn't do in the past well you are in the now so take that chance and take the plunge.
I've gone back to one of my first loves drawing which I hadn't done in about 20 years, wow what an eye opener I could still create works of art that I had great pride in enough to share these on my arts Facebook  page (link below) or let alone having a couple of my pieces in an exhibition. 
Just shows that anything is possible if you just try.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Impact- your actions do have consequences

Impact- your actions do have consequences

Try to mindful in everything you do as there is always an impact of your action even if you do not see it. Be it physical or mental it can have major implications on something else on Mother Earth.

Like physical actions could be just dropping litter, might not effect you but the envelopment around you could majorly be disrupted. Animals and plants will be impacted on with this action, some might even die due to this action.

Mental impact by always thinking the worst you always tend to manifest the worst, by putting out negativity into the world you will only tend to attract negative vibes.

Why leave that trail of destructive actions make that change, just ask yourself  " what impact am I having on myself and the world around me?", "What can I do to make that change?".

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Friday, 20 July 2012

Dwelling getting you down?

Do you find yourself living in the past?
Dwelling on what could/ should/ might have been?

If you answered yes to these questions, you might not have realise that you are unfortunately just wasting your own power and energy, which you need to live within the now.
I'm sorry to say that at his time a time machine has not been invented and there is no way you can go back and make changes to the past. By dwelling on these thoughts you will find that you have just in a cycle of negativity that just keeps on eating at you.
Try braking this cycle of negativity by treating everything that you are dwelling on as a learning curve, embrace it for what it is "a life lesson", as this has made you into that stronger, wiser person that you are today. By doing this you can move forward for the past,  it's done, its dusted, now it's the time to put it way and move on with the your life in the present. 
With this new understanding of your past you will now think twice in repeating these actions for which you would've of never of done without experiencing them in your past.

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Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Is it too much to ask for help?

You might not realize that asking for help is a much under rated positive action.
People have that common conception that asking for help is a weakness, but, if you don't know something then how are you suppose to grow without this help?
By not asking for this help you would be still sat there worrying more and more, that little voice inside going overtime within your head. This negative action of not asking for help will just build more and more negativity within you.
Your small voice within would probably be telling you that you will look foolish by asking, but if you didn't you are not only foolish but you can open up a whole new can of worms of self doubt within you.
The power that you receive in asking for this help just builds your self confidence and self worth as you have now added another string to your bow.

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Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Smile - It Won't Kill You!

As part of my Power of Positivity course I will talk about the positive effects that come with just smiling.

A smile costs you nothing but sends out lots of positive vibes.

Smile as often as possible throughout your day even if you do not feel like smiling. You will find that once you do start to smile you will release happy chemicals within your body, giving you that nice buzz of happiness.

As you walk to work or around town you smile you will be surprised at how many people will start to smile with you , smiles are contagious.

When you next answer the telephone try answering it with a big smile on your face, the person at the other end will be able to pick up on all the positive smiling energy you have created by just that one added factor of that smile.

Why make more work for yourself then you have to? Smiling uses less muscles then if you frown why waste energy with that negative look.

Now it's up to you, try some or all these tips out, lets get that positive vibe going within you.

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