Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Smile - It Won't Kill You!

As part of my Power of Positivity course I will talk about the positive effects that come with just smiling.

A smile costs you nothing but sends out lots of positive vibes.

Smile as often as possible throughout your day even if you do not feel like smiling. You will find that once you do start to smile you will release happy chemicals within your body, giving you that nice buzz of happiness.

As you walk to work or around town you smile you will be surprised at how many people will start to smile with you , smiles are contagious.

When you next answer the telephone try answering it with a big smile on your face, the person at the other end will be able to pick up on all the positive smiling energy you have created by just that one added factor of that smile.

Why make more work for yourself then you have to? Smiling uses less muscles then if you frown why waste energy with that negative look.

Now it's up to you, try some or all these tips out, lets get that positive vibe going within you.

Please feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk

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