Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Repeated jokes chipping away at your positivity

What wasn't that funny the first time wouldn't be funny the 10th time. Why do some people do that just focus on one thing and just keep chipping away at you with the same joke over and over.
Sometimes they just don't realise what they are doing, be positive make that stand, tell them enough is enough. If they have nothing to say then just repeating that same old line over and over then it's time that either they get some new material or just keep that negativity to themselves.
 If they are true friends or family then they should respect your wish and understand where you are coming from. If they don't, then it's time to stand back from them to protect your positivity andjust let that joke just fizzle out all by itself  by taking yourself out of the equation you are not feeding that situation with your positivity being chipped away.

Feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk

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