Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Takes two to argue

When you find yourself being draw into an argument kill it with kindness. This just confuses the one who is being confrontational and defuses the situation. Why get dragged into the argument, agree to take what they have to say on board and move on. It takes two to argue if you take yourself out of that equitation the argument runs out of steam.
Why let someone take all your power by letting them goad you into an argument. Take a step back look at what they are really saying as it’s just normally a small thing which they then pile on all the other cr@p that has built up. Deal with that one thing that started it all. Then move on no point dwelling and feeding the fires.

Please feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk

Monday, 30 July 2012

Captain of your own ship

Who is Captain of your ship? 
Well it all comes down to you and you alone. Decisions get made for you in some cases but it's still up to you weather to go with that discussion or not.
Being in control of your life is a key moment in positivity. Everything is up to you decide what you want it's very empowering to have this feeling and may people don't have this feeling as they just let others decide.
Don't pass the buck, take control have you say it's your life, live it don't be a spectator, participate.
It's taking that stand, confirm to yourself "I am in control of what happens to me" "I am the captain of my own ship" taking ownership of your actions and dealing with them lets you grow with confidence.

Please feel freee to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Pass the torch

I've talked about this before and really get summed up after watching the Olympic cauldron being lit by the new generation.
Empower someone else, pass on a recipe your knowledge on how to fix something or even mend something.
Without realising this you have empowered them with new knowledge that they didn't have up until that point and because of that you have now changed their life forever.
This week I've passed on a recipe to three people they can now pass this on a ripple of empowerment has started.
This just seems to of gotten lost over the last few years. Go on make that change to someone else life enlighten their life with this new found knowledge one day they can pass that torch on. 

Please feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk

Friday, 27 July 2012

Topping up your personal batteries

Do you feel that you have been run ragged and your personal batteries have been depleted?
If yes you need to break this negative habit and find away within your day to top them up. You need to find time to make for yourself it's not being selfish it’s a choice of down time and refocus. You will find that ideals flow and you will reconnect with your own work and find inspiration again.
Try while at lunch; go out that office sit in a park or area with lots of natural light and air. The larger the space the more freedom you will feel. Just sit relax and take in the surrounds concentrate on your breathing, nice deep breath in and out. You will find that after just 10 minutes the stresses of the day will have melted away and a new peace has replaced that manic feeling, setting you up nicely to face the rest of the day. 

Please feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Music a great healer

If you are feeling a bit run down, a bit sad or even day to day living getting you down then tries this method I use to change those feeling into happiness.
Dig out a happy tune that gets you swaying, tapping along to maybe jumping around the room (don’t count it out you might yet). You will find that those negative thoughts will have vanished and you have been magically transported into a happier state of mind.
It's amazing how it works but it does, I  have found that I can do a lot of journeying this way, brings many lost thoughts back to me and gives me clear thought when in need of clarity.
You could even sing along to the song, depending how brave you are.
Try and find a space to do this weather it be at home in the car or out in the park, go with it feel the happiness return to you, embrace that feeling.

Please feel free to visit my www.eclectichealing.co.uk

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Be creative bring your power back

A great tip at bringing your power back to yourself is going back to the time when you was creative and enjoyed doing creative tasks.
By revisiting lost creativity within yourselves brings back a more expressive and confident person which had got lost as we had forgotten these creative out lets.
It could be drawing, singing, dancing; needle work the sky’s the limit. You could even try something completely new that you had thought you couldn't do in the past well you are in the now so take that chance and take the plunge.
I've gone back to one of my first loves drawing which I hadn't done in about 20 years, wow what an eye opener I could still create works of art that I had great pride in enough to share these on my arts Facebook  page (link below) or let alone having a couple of my pieces in an exhibition. 
Just shows that anything is possible if you just try.


Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Impact- your actions do have consequences

Impact- your actions do have consequences

Try to mindful in everything you do as there is always an impact of your action even if you do not see it. Be it physical or mental it can have major implications on something else on Mother Earth.

Like physical actions could be just dropping litter, might not effect you but the envelopment around you could majorly be disrupted. Animals and plants will be impacted on with this action, some might even die due to this action.

Mental impact by always thinking the worst you always tend to manifest the worst, by putting out negativity into the world you will only tend to attract negative vibes.

Why leave that trail of destructive actions make that change, just ask yourself  " what impact am I having on myself and the world around me?", "What can I do to make that change?".

Please feel free to visit www.eclectichealing.co.uk

Friday, 20 July 2012

Dwelling getting you down?

Do you find yourself living in the past?
Dwelling on what could/ should/ might have been?

If you answered yes to these questions, you might not have realise that you are unfortunately just wasting your own power and energy, which you need to live within the now.
I'm sorry to say that at his time a time machine has not been invented and there is no way you can go back and make changes to the past. By dwelling on these thoughts you will find that you have just in a cycle of negativity that just keeps on eating at you.
Try braking this cycle of negativity by treating everything that you are dwelling on as a learning curve, embrace it for what it is "a life lesson", as this has made you into that stronger, wiser person that you are today. By doing this you can move forward for the past,  it's done, its dusted, now it's the time to put it way and move on with the your life in the present. 
With this new understanding of your past you will now think twice in repeating these actions for which you would've of never of done without experiencing them in your past.

Please feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.com.uk

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Is it too much to ask for help?

You might not realize that asking for help is a much under rated positive action.
People have that common conception that asking for help is a weakness, but, if you don't know something then how are you suppose to grow without this help?
By not asking for this help you would be still sat there worrying more and more, that little voice inside going overtime within your head. This negative action of not asking for help will just build more and more negativity within you.
Your small voice within would probably be telling you that you will look foolish by asking, but if you didn't you are not only foolish but you can open up a whole new can of worms of self doubt within you.
The power that you receive in asking for this help just builds your self confidence and self worth as you have now added another string to your bow.

Please feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Smile - It Won't Kill You!

As part of my Power of Positivity course I will talk about the positive effects that come with just smiling.

A smile costs you nothing but sends out lots of positive vibes.

Smile as often as possible throughout your day even if you do not feel like smiling. You will find that once you do start to smile you will release happy chemicals within your body, giving you that nice buzz of happiness.

As you walk to work or around town you smile you will be surprised at how many people will start to smile with you , smiles are contagious.

When you next answer the telephone try answering it with a big smile on your face, the person at the other end will be able to pick up on all the positive smiling energy you have created by just that one added factor of that smile.

Why make more work for yourself then you have to? Smiling uses less muscles then if you frown why waste energy with that negative look.

Now it's up to you, try some or all these tips out, lets get that positive vibe going within you.

Please feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk