Thursday, 20 June 2013

Don't bite your tongue

Bottling negative emotions up does nothing but breed more and more negativity. You need to find a way to vent these emotions and to tackle the problems. Don't just sit back and bite your tougne if something is bothering you just say so, either way it just stops the negative thoughts of if, buts and could be's.
 It might be something you don't want to talk or hear about, but then airing your views is a huge positive healthy action instead of you just torturing yourself with all those negative emotions which keep going over and over in your head.

If this has given you help and advise feel free to look at my other blogs and visit my website

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Clean slate

I have been guided that it is now time to let go of what you couldn't change and reset. It's then time to  Start with a clean slate after the summer solstice, let get of any pent up insecurities, worries and resentments you have. 

This reset button will not only enforce this change for the better but letting go of all those pent up emotions will free up space for your own growth in a more positive way that will enrich not just your life but all your loved ones around you.

I, myself found that I was always questioning why? Why this?, why that? It's good to question things don't get me wrong, but, when you find yourself focused on those questions that hinder and holds you back from moving forward. 

Take this message as its meant to be "guidance ", you and only you know truly what you can reset and what you can let go of. Take that chance, free those heavy shoulders of yours, shrug off  what holding you down and back. 

Take this opportunity, doesn't come around that often. 

Love and blessing 

Marcus Hunt 

Friday, 14 June 2013

Recognise your weakness

Feel like you have too many weaknesses within your life then why not try this positive step,
 every month write down your strengths and your weaknesses (negatives) from that month. Recognise and take in those positive strengths you have accomplished within that month. Then those weaknesses that you have recognised you can take these forward so you can work on changing these into positives strengths
By drawing on just doing these actions, you will see ways that you have improved your life in a positive way.

Feel like this has enhanced your life (even just a little) feel free to look at my website

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Have a plan

A positive step if to make a plan have an idea what you want to do, what you will gain from it and how it would improve your life. 
Within this plan you need to have that goal but be ready for life's unforeseen tests. Roll with these tests but keep your eye on that end plan. 

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Knowledge - pass it on

To know that certain "something" that really enhances your life is a huge positive. Now why don't you now try and spread that knowledge to others so that "something"can then start to enhance their lives too.
That "something" could just be passing on that old family recipe to other family members, could be even showing someone how to service their car saving them money, there is so much we could share that would enhance other peoples lives.
Just by sharing this makes it even more of a positive action  for yourself.

If this has helped in enhance your life (even just a little) feel free to visit my website

Friday, 24 May 2013

You are unique

Why does everyone around you want to be that person they look up to? 
News flash! It isn't going to happen folks, stop acting so negative towards who you really are, you are unique there is only one of you.
 Be more positive towards who you are and what you are good at, if you do this then others will look up to you. 

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Do you really need that?

Another huge positive step forward is recognise if you really truly need that "something", start by asking yourself this whenever you are either given or are looking at to purchase "do I really need this?" "Will this enhance my life?"
You will find that most of the time after asking yourself these couple of questions you will decide not to have the item.

If this helps you enhance your life then feel free to visit my website

Who to turn to in your hour of need

Family will tend to stick by you no questioned asked. They will not judge you for asking for help they just will give you that lift to help find yourself again. 
Don't just think that your family is just your biological family, you can consider others as family members that aren't in anyway related to you, deep down you know who they are. 

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Don't give up, fight

So many obstacles get thrown in our way when we get told "nothing can be done " you will just have to use to it" well they are wrong as these statements are demeaning and negative. In any situation you can find a positive, sometimes you have to look really deeply, but you should find it.
Don't just sit back go on fight for that positivity that they put upon us.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Knocks bounce them off

You will find that people will try to knock you off course, just stay focused keep that goal in sight let those knocks rebound off you, don't absorb them to knock that wonderful focus you have.
If you do absorb any knocks take timeout look at what that knock really was, just something to knock you off focus, get yourself centred and refocused, you will then be more aware how to avoid them.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Keep focused to succeed in your goals

Focus, there are so many distractions in life that tries to deter you form what is important.
Keep your goals within your life in balance as well as being focused, recognise who or what distracts you from that goal and for that time being detach yourself from those distractions, a true friend would understand this and support you in archiving that goal.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Out of the darkness comes light

If you find yourself in some deep dark places in your mind that just suck that wonderful positive vibe away, leaving you with suspicion, paranoia and anger.
Try and find and embrace your lighter side have fun and go mad!

Friday, 1 March 2013

Enthusiasm it's so positive

Once you find the one thing that produces so much enthusiasm that you can be so proud and just love it is so positive. Just sharing this enthusiasm with others just pasts on that positivity. 
All you need do is just need to find that one thing that you just love and go with it, when you meet others that are into what you love then that will just infuse the positivity.
But be warned not everyone will like what you do, so sometimes all that enthusiasm and positivity will be wasted on them. 

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Temptation negativity in disguise

Temptation in life might seem exciting but all it is negativity wrapped up in disguise. Steer clear of temptation by reinforcing the positivity and strength that you have within yourself. By recognising the signs of temptation and stopping straying into its path show how strong you are.

feel free to visit my website

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

If you don't speak up

If you don't speak about a subject you are passionate about in some way then how on earth people are suppose to know your opinion.

 Everyone's opinion counts, but unless you have your say then you cannot add that opinion to others, which in the end could make a difference to your world and other people’s lives.

Please fell free to have a look at my website

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Distractions can be negative and positive

Within our lives we have to deal with so many distractions, some are horrible, demeaning and stop you in your tracks, these we must acknowledge and move on from as quick as possible, these seem to suck the positivity straight out from your soul.
Other distractions are great little reminders that you need time out or even change direction at that moment, just to let matters slot into place. This type of distraction is very positive so embrace these in your life.

Please feel free to visit my website

We are incredible at adapting

Do you realise how many times you have to adapt to situations during your day?
Well you will be surprised, it could be just a phone call out the blue, a conversation you have that impacts your life or even just opening your mail. We just change and adapt sometimes at a seconds notice, most of the time we don't even realise that we have adapted.
Go with it, it just shows what amazing beings we truly are.

Please feel free to visit my website

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

No point moving unless you've moved on within yourself

What is the point in moving house physically because you think this will solve you problems? All you will do is just carry these with you into your new space. Unfortunately you cannot run from this type of problems, they need to be dealt with before you move.
It's not a positive action running from problems, the positive action comes from dealing with these problems then you can re-evaluate moving with a clearer view of why you want to move.

feel free to visit my website

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Make space for you to grow

An important positive motion is to give yourself as we'll as others the space they and you need to grow. Sometimes you just need that time to reconnect with life it's self or to get those cobwebs blow out of that stale mindset. Try giving that mind an airing by blow out those cob webs and you will find a fresh positive mindset move in.

feel free to visit my website

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Fitting in

Do you see and feel it that you don't fit in having that negative feeling just leaves you with no confidence. The positive way to deal with this is to have your life fit you not the other way around.
Look to see what changes can be easily made some might be uncomfortable to do but if you do not stretch yourself and learn from it then how are you suppose to grow. You will find strength in doing this, if you feel comfortable then you are in a more positive mind set.

feel free to visit my website

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Taking the highs with the lows

Always remember those highs because when you hit those lows you tend to just get suffocated in negativity and don't tend the remember the highs, the good times that you have been through and enjoyed.
Everyone goes through this just remember that and it will make those lows easier to deal with. Get the high times back out look at pictures, talk to others about those highs as well as the lows, but you must include the highs to help bounce back into a more positive way.

Feel free to visit my website

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

100% you

Being 100% you. can be extremely hard to keep up as you can find that many people and situations force you to either step up and be more outgoing or in reverse dampen yourself down.
When you find that you can be you, you will be at your most positive and happiest. Try and find that happy medium that you can actually live your life and be you. You will find the more you are you the less stressed and less negative in life.

feel free to visit my website

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Lots of laughter

Feeling a bit negative and a bit down, find something that makes you laugh try looking up clips on you tube that you can have a good old laugh at. It so changes your mind set it makes it easier to deal with negative situations, giving you strength that you didn't realise you had 10 minutes before hand.

Feel free to visit my website

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Unrealistic goals, then try starting smaller

When setting your goals start with something small. Take time in deciding a very important goal that would benefit your well being and write down the positive benefits on post it's, place these within areas that you will see and read theses a few times a day like on a kitchen cupboard or by your desk.
As you grow from the positivity of successfully progressing through your goal see if you can add to it see if you can push those self imposed boundaries by doing this you can grow that small goal into something a bit bigger, but, keep a realistic goal and keep progressing using the same steps.

Good Luck and remember positivity grows and attracts more positivity.

Please feel free to visit my website

Lift the conversation away from negativity

Ever find yourself in conversation with someone who can only see the negative side of things, try by gently adding in the positive spin in to see how they react to it most times they just completely miss it but some rare times they can actually pick up on it and can start to help make that change away from negative thoughts.

Feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Take the complement, don't judge it

When someone gives you a complement take it and say “thanks". Don't judge it, don't question it, just take it and embrace it. This is a very positive action, fore if you did judge or question it then the complement will loses all the positive notions that were implied within it, then you will find that you then start a negative cycle of questioning them as well as questioning yourself as in how the world perceives you.
Go with the complement, take it for what it is, a positive towards you, just embrace it.

please feel free to look at my website

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Just got to keep going

After so many knock downs and setbacks it becomes very hard to keep that positive vibe going within yourself. You just have to keep going; these hurdles are constantly thrown at us to see how we would cope with them. Embrace them as a task see beyond how it makes you feel in the now as you will work through it and find strength within this action, you might not get the outcome you hoped for but you, you’ve given it your all, that's the important thing learning and adapting gives you strength and positivity to grow.

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