Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Repeated jokes chipping away at your positivity

What wasn't that funny the first time wouldn't be funny the 10th time. Why do some people do that just focus on one thing and just keep chipping away at you with the same joke over and over.
Sometimes they just don't realise what they are doing, be positive make that stand, tell them enough is enough. If they have nothing to say then just repeating that same old line over and over then it's time that either they get some new material or just keep that negativity to themselves.
 If they are true friends or family then they should respect your wish and understand where you are coming from. If they don't, then it's time to stand back from them to protect your positivity andjust let that joke just fizzle out all by itself  by taking yourself out of the equation you are not feeding that situation with your positivity being chipped away.

Feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk

Monday, 29 October 2012

Nice- just doesn't cut it

When you are trying to be and staying positive it becomes hard when someone slaps a "that's nice" or an " uh hue " after you have been talking to them, it's not positive feed back it ends up feeling like they just can't be bothered to even come up with a full sentence for you to work with, it's has to be one of my major pet hates that people do.All you need to do is just pick them up on it ask them "is that it?" By saying that, you will shock them into giving you a more positive fuller answer.

Please feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Nothing chanced, nothing gained

Does exactly what it says on the tin, if you don't chance things you will never reap the rewards. Why live with the negative thoughts of "I'm not sure". With just chancing this action you already are opening up to positivity and the effect that positivity could have on you and your life.
Why live as a wallflower go out a grab a piece of life that's yours for that taking only if you just take that chance,you only live once.
There is always so much more to gain then doing nothing. If you find that it's not for you once you had taken the chance you have learnt from it, you never know it might even lead you in a completely different direction to the path you are on its all about being open to taking this chance you never know what is around that corner.

Please feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk

Monday, 22 October 2012


Consideration is a very positive action; it's a two way action. But when one or the other doesn't feel considered then it can all go out of sync. In all your actions that you do always consider how it will affect others around you. What benefits you can seem selfish and unjust in others eyes.
To know that they are truly your friend and are behind you and not judging you then they will bring this up and they will chat to you about it. Doesn't mean that you should forget what you wanted to do just means you might have to explain some more to others who quite didn't understand you’re thinking. It also works vice verse.
Consideration shouldn't be taken for granted it's one of the things that can keep an even balance in your life.

Please feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk

Knowing when to step back and let others breathe

What we see is what we get with our friends and family members, we tend to see things that just are not there but our inner voice can tend to run away with itself from time to time unfortunately we can tend to listening to that voice then to have the courage just to ask that person outright that you feel uneasy with them. We need to stop listening to that inner voice that puts these doubts into our minds and we just need to deal with it ourselves. Start  with a positive action of  just biting that bullet and ask that person outright if there is a problem and even say what you are feeling, sometime they just don't even realise that they are manifesting these negative feeling  toward you.
More than likely they just might have a lot to deal with themselves but are completely happy with your connection but feel that their main priority has shifted as needed on something else, it doesn't mean you are out of favour but they feel that you are strong enough to be able to deal with your life at this time so they can just concentrate on their own life. I'm sure if they do need help they will be strong enough to ask.

Please feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk

Friday, 19 October 2012


When you start to find it hard in life to find any inspiration then it's time to shake things up. Inspiration is a key action of positivity it pushes you and encourages you to break down those self imposed barriers and find strength hidden strengths inside you.
But have you even realisied that you are an inspiration to someone, someone who looks up to you, they are proud of who you are and what you have accomplished in life.
Embrace that affirmation of inspiration, go with it and pass that inspiration on.

Please feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk

To do lists

Can't remember things, so much going on things get forgotten? No, it's not just you; sometimes our lives can be so hectic that we cram so much into our minds that we cannot retain everything, which can become a negative action.
What I have found make lists or notes have a note pad at hand all the time carry one with you never know when you need to add something into it or even refer to it.
Most smart phone these days come with diary and note pad in them, try using these or try using them more, this will intern become a very positive action for you as you will no longer be kicking yourself because you missed or forgotten something.

Feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk

Breaking out of those same four walls

Make time, not enough time in your day constantly chasing yourself round and around can be so so negative. Stop, make some time in your diary to recharge and do something completely different just getting out of those four walls can change your mood considerably.
It doesn't matter what you do just as long as it isn't something you would do normally, that is such a positive thing to do challenge yourself gets you out of your comfort zone and after that gives you so much more to chat about with others (all positive steps).

Please feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk

Monday, 15 October 2012

At least try

When you get asked to try a different challenge, don't just dismiss this without even trying it out. Personally I would rather try it out then live with the regret that you didn't. You will instead learn from this try, weather it worked for you or didn't but at least you did try, you can then at least say hand on heart that it didn't work for you and you can then  positively move on.

Please feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk Thanks

See the sights go explore

Find yourself just sat in the same four walls or your weekend highlights is shopping? Then a change is needed to stop you getting festering in negativity. Why not try going out for a walk, go see some friends or visit local historical sites. By just the change of scene can have a positive effect in you. You will not only find the benefits of getting out in to the fresh air you will be soaking up the different sites and environments will boost your mood.
Take in some sites stretch your mind with the beauty and the history of the world around you. This will then give you more things to talk about to others and you will come across as a more positive person as they will see the excitement in your voice when talking to them about what you had done during your past times and will rub off on them and give them thought as to what they could do.

Please feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Getting out of that comfort zone

We do like to sit back and not challenge ourselves especially the older you get, "oh I'm too old to do that" we'll time you got yourself out of that comfort zone and push those boundaries which I keep bashing on about.
Find something that takes you out of that comfort zone it could be anything, go rock climbing, write a book, learn to swim or ride a bike. The world is your oyster you are never to.... Just do it!

Please feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk.

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Nip negativity towards you in the bud

Say thank you even when you get stuck in a negative situation by saying thank you take all that negativity that's being projected at you and stopped it dead from reaching you or affecting you.
So many people will just be draw so easily into that negativity just stop nip it in the bud.

Feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk

Happy birthday- celebrate it!

Why do so many people not celebrate their birthdays that to me are such a negative reaction to something that is so positive?
It's quite easy to see it as a positive, you done it; you have made it through yet another year look back and embrace all your accomplishments for that year and what you have accomplished in your blessed life. It's time to celebrate, not "oh one year never to death".
Embrace your birthday it's such a special marker you have just got to party.

Please feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk.


Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Me time - get off the treadmill of life

This is one of the hardest parts to the Power of Positivity, to have faith in oneself is hard, it's hard to keep that balance of confidence before you hit ego. So many times I have found myself that just to gain the confidence in oneself can come off as an ego trip. This is not true; it's just building that confidence and expressing it by sharing with others. There is no ego in doing that; it's just showing others that you have grown.
When you do hit this point though you can see how far you have come with the positivity, it starts to flow through different parts of your life; it's now time to enjoy it you have earned it.

If you would like to know more on what I do, please feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk 

Passion - where has it gone?

Have you found that the passion has gone from some things that you do in life? Without realising this you have shifted focus away from that area where that passion was originally focused and now shifting your focus and your passion into other things.
 Life changes nothing stays the same, life goes on. If life did stay the same then it would be boring and quite negative. You just have to refresh that area that you have lost your passion in, look at why the passion has shifted and what new things can be added or explored to ignite that passion again. Sometimes it just goes and no matter what you do it just doesn't return, if this is the case then its run its course you have now learnt and grown out of it, time to move and grow by finding that passion in something else.

If you would like to know more on what I do, please feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk 

Engage brain before opening mouth

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has just blurted out something that I thought truly relevant only to see the horror on their faces at what I have just said to them. That's the trouble what you think that something to you is very funny  only to find that it was that persons most uncomfortable situation just thrown up in their face. "Ground opens up and swallows me up, moment.
You might find it hard to have that happy medium between not saying anything which others will think you are quite or even being off. Just put yourself in their shoes before you even enter that conversion if you don't know them keep away from saying anything that could offend.
Stick by these rules until you do know them so you know your parameters of tack that they use. I'm not saying don't be you, once you know someone you can be you.

If you would like to know more on what I do, please feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk