Feel that pressure is getting to you? Being positive as much as
you can, cannot stop a build up of pressure inside you no matter what
you do. You will find the more you practice Power of Positivity then these
build ups will start to dwindle. Its best for you to release this pressure on
your terms so when you start to see signs, short temper, things getting on top
of you or feel the world is closing in on you. Release this build up yourself
without taking it out on others in a negative way, just take yourself out of
any situation that's causing this build up and go find a quite place
and let it out, scream as load as possible. It’s surprising how good
you will feel after you have done that. Pressure that had built up would
have diminished and you can go back to that situation with more
positive power to see yourself through.
If you would like to know more on what I do, please feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk