Friday, 28 September 2012

Pressure - The bottle cap has to come off sometimes

Feel that pressure is getting to you? Being positive as much as you can, cannot stop a build up of pressure inside you no matter what you do. You will find the more you practice Power of Positivity then these build ups will start to dwindle. Its best for you to release this pressure on your terms so when you start to see signs, short temper, things getting on top of you or feel the world is closing in on you. Release this build up yourself without taking it out on others in a negative way, just take yourself out of any situation that's causing this build up and go find a quite place and let it out, scream as load as possible. It’s surprising how good you will feel after you have done that. Pressure that had built up would have diminished and you can go back to that situation with more positive power to see yourself through.

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Thursday, 27 September 2012

Family - They are not here forever

As life goes on I have found that the older I get the more I appreciated my parents for what they have done for me, the sacrifices they made the long hours and double shifts they had to put in to help make me who I am today. In my youth I took them for granted for years in a very negative way. Now I see that I need to spend time connecting with them.
 Sometimes it can feel that they are sucking the life force from you, but we must put this aside and start to appreciate them now, embrace them in a more positive light, they will not be around forever.
I know, not everyone gets on with their parents or siblings but don't go down that negative path of regret when it come to be too late.

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Preparation- covers all those bases

It’s a must with everything you do in life be particular with your preparation. Any little job or task you undertake make sure you have done the research the pros and the cons to come to the positive conclusion that this sits will with you and will benefit you in every way mind, body and soul.
If things take time then hay ho it's meant to. Things in life have a funny way of working themselves out with or without your help. You just have to sit tight, make sure you have covered all the bases and left no stone unturned. If things look like they are showing signs of being a wrong choice then as before in a previous blog go with the gut.

If you would like to know more on what I do, please feel free to visit my website 

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Positivity takes Time

Being positive doesn't come too naturally to quite a lot of people at many points in their lives, don't get disheartened if you still go through the steps of the Power of Positivity, if everything was easy then everyone would be more positive and I would be out of a job.
It's OK if things go wrong just see them for what they are learning curves, you will not repeat these negative patterns, you have just got to learn how its best to cope in these situations and how it is best to get through it.  By using some of the tools that I have given you throughout this continuing blog. Do your best to stay positive  that's the key.

If you would like to know more on what I do, please feel free to visit my website 


Many years ago I really struggled with my school work, no one noticed that I need glasses to see the blackboard, my school work suffered so. Wasn't till I left school and wanted to start to drive when I had no choice but to get my eyes tested.  Once I was tested they found I was short sighted, I thought to myself if only I had only gotten myself tested earlier my school work wouldn't of suffered so badly. All because I thought I would get bullied for wearing glasses. Just so many negatives there before I had my eyes tested.
It was a huge positive was when I finally got tested and put my glasses on for the first time it was like a fog had lifted. It was amazing, what I'm saying doesn't neglect any of your senses these are so important in your everyday life. You mood lifts, you will start to notice things that would just pass you by.

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Faith in oneself without the ego

This is one of the hardest parts to the Power of Positivity, to have faith in oneself is hard, it's hard to keep that balance of confidence before you hit ego. So many times I have found myself that just to gain the confidence in oneself can come off as an ego trip. This is not true; it's just building that confidence and expressing it by sharing with others. There is no ego in doing that; it's just showing others that you have grown.
When you do hit this point though you can see how far you have come with the positivity, it starts to flow through different parts of your life; it's now time to enjoy it you have earned it.

If you would like to know more on what I do, please feel free to visit my website 

Monday, 17 September 2012

An emotional crutch

Many times in life you will find yourself as an emotional crutch for someone to lean on. It could be your partner, family member, friend or even a work collage. It's great to be able to do this for someone, everyone at some point will need emotional help in their lives, just make sure that that become blurred and they see your help as a crutch for them just to carry on doing what they are doing and not breaking that cycle of their own negativity.
People do need to learn to be able to stand on their own two feet and not to live their lives through others. To stop others doing this you will have to step back give yourself a breathing space. Just by having this breathing space it will give space for them to grow and for you to strengthen your positivity again. Unfortunately in this situation they will just keep taking any positivity you give them and just give you back negativity.

If you would like to know more on what I do, please feel free to visit my website 

Pulling the plaster off as quick as possible

By pulling the plaster of as quick as possible it will be less painful then by trying to pull it off slowly just stretching out that pain for longer, so can be said in life. Many a time, you can find yourself in situations where you don’t or couldn’t speak up and others just carry on doing what they want, without realising that it is slowly killing you inside. By just telling those to stop then you might cause some negativity on their side but it will stop any negativity building and festering on your side.
I know it's hard to do to, because pain in that way to someone else but for your own and for other loved ones around you do need to do this. If this isn't done then not only will that negativity build up inside you but you will find that it will spill out into other relationships with in your life and start to poison them.

Please feel free to visit my own website

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Making yourself heard

Trying to be as positive as possible can have it knocks now and again and you get to see patterns that you didn't see before. I find that I now know when people are being rude by talking over me, changing the subject in mid conversion, they don't listen to what been said when you just "yes" or "no" "that's nice". If you are in a conversation make sure you get your points across as well as listen to what they have to say. It's not hard to do, but even harder is pulling people up when they do it to you. Try it; it defiantly makes sure they pay attention the next time.
It's time that you got heard, no point in bottling this up just eats away at you.You don't have to be rude back just say " you are not listening to me, can you repeat what I just asked you?" see them squirm. Such a positive thing to do because you are trying to make sure they hear what you have to say as it could be something important and could be relevant to their life.

If you would like to know more on what I do, please feel free to visit my website 

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Never say never

New experiences can be very daunting and just seem just near impossible to do. It might not be the right time for you to do it but you will know when. Take time weigh up how it could enhance your life. It could be just an adrenalin rush it, could be liberating it or it could even change the way you look at thing just by trying.
Once you do say never you will be closing yourself off from experiences that could enhance your life. You just don't know till you try, never say never.

If you would like to know more on what I do, please feel free to visit my website 

Monday, 10 September 2012

Opinions do change

Your own opinion can be a very positive, it does count. Your opinion is something that you have worked on an annualized yourself. These are very important to you and how you live your life. But they do have a down side which you must be mindful of. Have your say get your opinion across to others, don't go ramming it down there throat. It's up to them if they want to walk away. Learn from this, your opinion might be slightly wrong it might be time to re-evaluate it.
Listen to other opinions, this is a great way to know if what you think is right or if you need to look into this more. Just remember opinions do change they are not set in stone. Be flexible with those opinions, someone might just have information that you have completely missed and could completely change your opinion.

If you would like to know more on what I do, please feel free to visit my website 

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Colour/ Color my life

For many years now I have noticed that we have become conditioned into having bland lifeless colours in the home Magnolia/ creams and cars silver/ grey. This really hit me the other day whilst in London I was sat at traffic lights and all I could see was bland, bland and blander. How many shades of Silver can there be?
It's time to start to re embrace colour back into our lives colour has an amazing positive effect on us. It lifts our moods and we become more expressive in our lives.
When you are out and about have a look around see how colour has been watered down, Infuse some colour back into your home into your life self expression is a huge positive action not only do you feel great for doing this but also you will be soaking up all that colour to lift your moods.
It's the same when it comes to food; all the colourful fruit and vegetables have more vitamins and nutrients in them then most bland coloured foods. Colour has such an important part to play in our lives it's time to start embracing colour again into our lives, feel the difference it makes.

If you would like to know more on what I do, please feel free to visit my website

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Control, order and trust

When I was a kid I had trouble sharing my toys with any other child, little did I realize that this is just the start of becoming a bit of a control freak. As I got older it becomes worse even at work with my tools it was the same thing. It's all about control, order and trust, I didn't want anything damaged or lost so the only way I could cope with this was to not share my stuff. Unfortunately people can take that as a negative towards them, when really all you want to do is preserve the world you are in.
if you feel it's time to take off some of those restrains of control, order and trust,  when you start to do this it's can be very scary to loosen those restraints but in the long run it’s a positive way forward as this will then start to filter down through your life.

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100% Pride

What gives you pride in your life?
So many times we have done something and just completely forgot to sit back and take pride in what you have accomplished. Pride of your own work is a huge positive affirmation. When you can have 100% pride in what you have done there will be no little voice inside going “you should of do this you should have done that “If this voice does creep in just say to your inner self " no I'm 100% happy with what I have done".
It's a big deal to finally except that you take pride in what you do without ripping it to pieces. We can become very self destructive by not doing this and is a very negative way of thinking.

If you would like to know more on what I do, please feel free to visit my website 

Karma- works for me

Karma I'm a firm believer in it, everything you do you will receive back at some point. I live my life by this it's a very positive way to look at things. Just think that guy that just cut you up as you was driving, I use to get so  hacked off if this happened to me now I just go "hey karma will sort him out" and it's done with life is stressful enough let karma do what it does best.
Also the same in reverse I was in a shop the other day I had a 20% off voucher but couldn't find anything that I wanted to buy so I saw this man with his kid explaining to the kid since was his birthday he could pick a toy to have but not too expensive. I walked up to this man and said “would you like my voucher as I wasn't going to use it. He was so pleased and surprised "are you sure?" “Yes I can't find anything and didn't want it to go to waste “I said. This put a big smile on his face.
As we drove out the car park I saw him come out the shop with his kid and his toy they all looked so happy, just made me feel all warm inside. That was rewarding enough for me.

If you would like to know more on what I do, please feel free to visit my website Bike Trailer No Limit Doggy Liner 1 - Jogging Kit for Doggy Liner 1 (Google Affiliate Ad)