Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Don't give up, fight

So many obstacles get thrown in our way when we get told "nothing can be done " you will just have to use to it" well they are wrong as these statements are demeaning and negative. In any situation you can find a positive, sometimes you have to look really deeply, but you should find it.
Don't just sit back go on fight for that positivity that they put upon us.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Knocks bounce them off

You will find that people will try to knock you off course, just stay focused keep that goal in sight let those knocks rebound off you, don't absorb them to knock that wonderful focus you have.
If you do absorb any knocks take timeout look at what that knock really was, just something to knock you off focus, get yourself centred and refocused, you will then be more aware how to avoid them.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Keep focused to succeed in your goals

Focus, there are so many distractions in life that tries to deter you form what is important.
Keep your goals within your life in balance as well as being focused, recognise who or what distracts you from that goal and for that time being detach yourself from those distractions, a true friend would understand this and support you in archiving that goal.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Out of the darkness comes light

If you find yourself in some deep dark places in your mind that just suck that wonderful positive vibe away, leaving you with suspicion, paranoia and anger.
Try and find and embrace your lighter side have fun and go mad!