Thursday, 28 February 2013

Temptation negativity in disguise

Temptation in life might seem exciting but all it is negativity wrapped up in disguise. Steer clear of temptation by reinforcing the positivity and strength that you have within yourself. By recognising the signs of temptation and stopping straying into its path show how strong you are.

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Wednesday, 27 February 2013

If you don't speak up

If you don't speak about a subject you are passionate about in some way then how on earth people are suppose to know your opinion.

 Everyone's opinion counts, but unless you have your say then you cannot add that opinion to others, which in the end could make a difference to your world and other people’s lives.

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Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Distractions can be negative and positive

Within our lives we have to deal with so many distractions, some are horrible, demeaning and stop you in your tracks, these we must acknowledge and move on from as quick as possible, these seem to suck the positivity straight out from your soul.
Other distractions are great little reminders that you need time out or even change direction at that moment, just to let matters slot into place. This type of distraction is very positive so embrace these in your life.

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We are incredible at adapting

Do you realise how many times you have to adapt to situations during your day?
Well you will be surprised, it could be just a phone call out the blue, a conversation you have that impacts your life or even just opening your mail. We just change and adapt sometimes at a seconds notice, most of the time we don't even realise that we have adapted.
Go with it, it just shows what amazing beings we truly are.

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Tuesday, 12 February 2013

No point moving unless you've moved on within yourself

What is the point in moving house physically because you think this will solve you problems? All you will do is just carry these with you into your new space. Unfortunately you cannot run from this type of problems, they need to be dealt with before you move.
It's not a positive action running from problems, the positive action comes from dealing with these problems then you can re-evaluate moving with a clearer view of why you want to move.

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Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Make space for you to grow

An important positive motion is to give yourself as we'll as others the space they and you need to grow. Sometimes you just need that time to reconnect with life it's self or to get those cobwebs blow out of that stale mindset. Try giving that mind an airing by blow out those cob webs and you will find a fresh positive mindset move in.

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