Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Everyone needs some down time

To truly switch off, you really need to find time to switch off from day to day life includes TV and computers. Once you are away from these objects you will find that you will be able to disconnect easier try doing some meditation or just chill by emptying the mind and just try listening to the world around you it's hard to do but once you master it you will be able to hear noises and sounds you would completely over look that is there in your life like your breathing, sounds of birds or nature in general or you could try just listening to some soothing music in a darkened room this will help you relax unwind and let go of any anxieties .

Please feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk

Progression - see how far you have come

From time to time take a minute to readers how far you have come. Look back over the previous month, see what you have accomplished and overcome.
Then do the same with the previous year, you may be astounded at the positive things you have accomplished and overcome some quite difficult negative situations in your life.

Please feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk

Saying sorry

Saying sorry truly sorry can be a hard action to do, It can be a hard task to swallow that pride; it takes great strength and positivity to have the courage to say sorry. Presents and flowers are just empty jesters, saying sorry is from the heart. It's not easy to admit when you have been wrong, if they cannot except the apology and just want to carry on fighting walk away, what you had said to them it's been thought through. Let them just calm down defuse the situation by leaving them to dwell on that apology, can take time to calm down and process the apology so don't be surprised if it takes time for it to sink in.

Feel free to visit my own website www.eclectichealing.co.uk

Stop playing the victim

Do you ever feel that you are the course of your own problems? To proud to except help does it make you look weak or undeserving?

 Well it's time to take a stand, put your hands up and just say I really need help. If it's a problem with yourself start by searching for help, if there is nothing you can do about it find options to help make it easier for you to live. Get looking for a solution is positive and proactive, it's better than being on that negative spiral.
 Be proactive do something about it the more you play the victim the worse things get in your own eyes. 
The thing is you get so wrapped up in your own problem you don't realise that you are starting to drag close loved ones down with you. Confide in your loved ones about your problems; you might be surprised at solutions or advise they can give you.

feel free to visit my website www.eclectichealing.c.uk

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Snap judgments

Everything in life has its own natural coarse if you try to force matters this can be seen in quite a negative light. Sit back give it chance to run its own natural course.
Sometimes we will find that things do need a shove in the right direction but only after a waiting period just see how thing play out in front of you the more time you give something the more you will learn before you make snap judgments which are quite negative.

please feel free to look at my website www.eclectichealing.co.uk