Thursday, 30 August 2012

Letting go

Boy this is a hard one. 
Sometimes we just have to do this for our own sanity and health. Some situations can turn toxic and infect our lives it can not only mess with our minds but also with our own health and well being. We all will come to a point when we realize we do have to let go of these situations and move on. By doing this you will go through so many different emotions that we don't deal with on a daily basis. 
But as long as you feel that this has to be done then it is a must. It’s a way for you to move forward and free up any energy that is wasted on that situation and you can then use that newly released energy in a more productive way by letting yourself blossom and grow.

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Lessons learnt

If you feel that some days just get to you and you don't feel stronger enough to take on the next day. Just take that day as it was, it was a hard lesson you have now learnt. The following day you will not repeat this again you will deal with the following day with this under your belt. You will have changed you have grow you now know where things went wrong and you know not to repeat it, lessons have be learnt mishaps will not be repeated.
Life lesson are very important in our learning process for they make us stronger, we can see where things went wrong and see how we coped in difficult circumstances. These push self imposed bounders sometimes we are not ready for them but somehow we get through those days and come out the other side a whole lot stronger and wiser.

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Go with your gut

Being human and having free will we tend not to go with the gut, we love to flirt with going with the heart, or be head strong and go with mind. Try listening to the gut as this will serve you well, your sixth sense will tell you if this is right for you and would benefit your onward journey. 
Your gut instinct is your sixth sense, it kicks in to make sure that you are on the right path and stay on it without deviating. Choices are always put in front of us day in day out, we could find ourselves driving along a road and you come across a crossroad do you go left do you go right or maybe we should keep going straight on, each path would lead us to a new direction and challenges, it might not be where we thought we wanted to be but you are there to learn from this and it will make you a stronger person.
Gut instinct is your bodies’ way in reminding you which path you should be on. Many a time in your life you will be given a choice but you will find yourself unsure what to do, your mind says one thing, your heart another. Try stepping back and see where your gut (sixth sense) takes you. 

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Friday, 24 August 2012

The child within us

A very positive thing to embrace is the child within us all, we get so caught up in the adult would that we forget what freedom "play time" gave us. Just think back to the days when you were younger you would use your imagination more.  The power of imagination is huge, it’s when you are able to form and manifest wonderful past times that stretched our own minds. It gives the mind a very good work out and gets you out of any comfort zone you have placed yourself.
This can release so much pressure that has built u within us all, the power to manifest and play and joke and laugh enriches our souls and release lovely happy natural chemicals within us which relaxes you.

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Thursday, 23 August 2012

Why do we like drama in our lives?

Drama is all around us we can try to avoid it but unfortunately you will always get sucked into some kind on drama at any given moment without even realising it.
Drama can be used in a positive way as it keeps us on our toes; we tend to learn so much from drama in other peoples lives. You can take this on board and learn not to repeat that situation in your own life. But try not to get caught up in the negative aspect of drama by feeding the drama that has no relation to you.

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Keep a distance from negativity

It's so hard sometime to see how other people are affecting our own well being. They can really draw on your positivity and try to drag you in the world of negativity, be weary of these people as it can be so easy to fall into this circle of negativity. They will start to drain you of all the hard earned positivity and they will bath in this and just give you back negativity.
Unfortunately not everyone is in the right place to see the positivity in the world and just want others to be sucked into their negative ways of thinking so don't full into this trap. Don't go feeding them, they are best to be kept at a distance while they are like that, make sure you set up some mental boundaries to protect your positivity and don't be drawn into conversions of a negative spiral. They will find it harder to inflict this negativity onto you and you will find that you will become stronger in seeing the others who are doing this to you.

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Taking stock- counting your blessing

Have you ever just sat back and taken stock of life and counted your blessing?
Try to do this every now and again in the hectic world we live in we are so wrapped up in other people’s lives we forget what we have accomplished in our lives we long to aspire to be better people but forget we already are, but, we just got a bit lost along life's journey.
From time to time, just sit back see how far you have come, see what changes have happened in your life which has enriched your well being. You will be so surprised to see how far you have come and how you have changed up to this point, you will also be able to see where you have grown or where you can improve your positivity. This is an excellent tool to use to see where you are and where you would like to be.

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Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Surprise yourself - It's so rewarding

When it comes to trying other new experiences or challenges embrace them it will not hurt you to do this. Don't keep putting them off, live in the now, you never know if this chance will ever visit you again in this lifetime you may never be in the position to commit to this, find the time, find space for yourself, for your personal growth it's so important to do this mentally and physically. The more you find pushing yourself the more you will be a more positive, happier and more of a balanced person.
You never know until you have tried these new experiences sand challenges, so go out experience it, live it, you might just love it.

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Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Live your life with no regrets

Just ask yourself what’s the rush?
 Hold on a second, it's your time and your life you live it in the most positive way possible, try by take your time, think things through and you should find yourself on the right path. Rush it and you might end up regretting it. Why live in that negativity of regrets, see these experiences as what they really are as they just didn't work out but the positive spin is you  have learnt from that in a positive way and have become  stronger mentally as you will not repeat that action again without remembering where you went wrong before its life, so live it!

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Thursday, 16 August 2012

Are you an Ostrich?

When it comes to being positive, you will soon learn that you can no longer bury your head in the sand. Doing this just puts off what will be, will be. It's best to just face facts and deal with situations as they rise. No point putting it off to do another day when you know that you could deal with that situation there and then.
Many people will find this a bit daunting but once you get in the swing of dealing with the now, it becomes so much easier and you will then realize that you will not be carrying around so much baggage.
Friends and family will then see a positive change in the way you are dealing with situations that you trended to shy away from. This will show them what a stronger person you will have become.

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Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Mix it up - feel the positive benefits

Feel stuck in a rut and bored of the same old routine? Why not mix that routine up a bit. This will make you day a bit more of a challenge and will get you thinking instead of running around on auto pilot. Try adding something different into the day instead of sitting at home in an evening go out meet friends do something spontaneous, this adds to the excitement of the day gives you more things to talk about getting you interacting  not only psychically but mentally also.

This is a very easy positive change for you to do. Mixing it up is so easy to do and you can feel the benefit almost instantly. People will see a difference in you as you experiences grow. But don't full into the trap that the mix up becomes the new routine, keep it fresh and you will benefit from this exercise.

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Saturday, 11 August 2012

Sleep- are you getting enough?

Sleep is important to us it's a time when the body recovers and repairs itself and relaxes the mind gives it a chance to process and file that days downloads.
When you don't get your full night’s sleep you struggle the next day. Try to get in at least 7 hours a night, ideal 8 hrs minimum but then you can over sleep and your body struggles to get out of that state.
You will find if you do manage to get a more routine sleep pattern you will feel much more refreshed but also more focused the following day.

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Friday, 10 August 2012

Share the love

To enforce that positivity you are feeling try sharing the love. Why not give a loving hug tell people how much they mean to you finding this strength to do this shows how much you have grown. When you have been in a circle of negativity you will find that you are very self-centred and don't really consider yours or other people’s feelings, show them how much you have changed and how the positivity is affecting you, you will be surprised with their responses.
Spread that positivity to friends and family, bath in the positivity that you will receive back from them, I'm sure that you will get very positive feedback to you change. Just remember to keep enforcing this as it is a constant affirmation to that change within you and how people see that change blossom and radiate outwards.

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Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Rushing into things

The world around you going so fast, seems like you will never catch up. That's why so many mistakes accrue in the world people rush into things without thinking things through they just end up in the negative cycle of regrets were ifs and buts become their friend.
There is nothing wrong in taking your time making sure that your choices sit well with you. Talk things through with others they might've been in the same boat as you without you knowing and they can give you great insight to help you make that choice.

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Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Why are people afraid of change?

After a meeting tonight with my Power of Positivity group Change came up in discussion. So many people are afraid of change; afraid of the unknown is a scary thing.
Change can be a very powerful positive thing to happen to you. Change is a normally in the form of something that is out of your hands, you will find that situations that stay the same people will get lazy they get bored they just function on auto pilot. Change shakes things up it gets you thinking again makes you have to feel different emotions that have been lost or forgotten about.
Don't be afraid of change, change is there to keep you on your toes, welcome it for what it is.

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Monday, 6 August 2012

Credit, where credit is due

People tell you to sit on your hands to restricted you and keep you in check. People who do this to you are e afraid of losing power over you and they will get exposed for what they are, leaches. They like to keep you restricted  and take the for the good work you have slogged over.
It's time to take a stand take those shacks off, free those hands and be you, now is the time for you to shine and take the thanks for your hard work why should someone else take it when all they have done is take credit for it. Always make sure people know your envelopment within set tasks to make sure you get credit where credit is due.
It takes a lot of confidence to do this, but once done they will never do it again to you.

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Friday, 3 August 2012

Recognition - Pat on the back

Feel like you don't get the recognition that you deserve?
Have you ever just sat back and looked at what you have accomplished yourself. Most of the time we get wrapped up in this negative thought but have you realised that you yourself have not taken the time to pat yourself on your back for all the hard work you have done. To many times we see as we reserve this from others to do but don’t take the time to look how far we have come.
Also we find ourselves so wrapped up in our own worlds not to do this to others. It doesn't take two seconds to give someone that boost they deserve. It could be that they could really do with this and you have just given the extra positivity that they required to carry on.

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Thursday, 2 August 2012

Frustration- a downward spiral into negativity.

There is no point at being frustrated at being frustrated it occurs to us all its just you mind just trying to cope with something new.
When the feelings of frustration start to over shadow you take that step back and ask yourself why you are feeling that way. Could it be that you just can’t see the answer yourself then take that break and ask others for help?  You can find that sometimes just stepping away doing something else and then going back to that frustrating task and it can all fall into place.
Don't let frustration get the better of your positivity, don't give up work through it and learn from it that that things are possible you just have to work out how to approach the task in hand. Frustration is a downward spiral into negativity.

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Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Stretching that boundary

Why do we manifest these self restricted boundaries which we live our lives. We see ourselves as individual’s buts it rare that we adventure outside these boundaries that makes us stand out from the crowd. Do we see it as living in that safe bubble is good well if you want a safe restricted life it might be, but what about adventure testing ourselves stretching that boundary to see what you can accomplished and par tack in which enriches our lives.

It's time to stick that head out above those boundaries and stretch your mind, its fresh and exciting to do so, not only will people see a difference in you, you will start to see that you are more for-filled it could be just going on a course, going to night school or even start writing that book that you have been putting off.

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